Our Prime Minister has announced new restrictive measures for EVERYONE’S SAKE. That means DON’T LEAVE HOME. Not even for a stroll, with the assumption that most people live in the crowded cities, and if everyone left home just for a quick stroll, streets would be crowded and contamination would continue. Teenagers are the toughest crowd to leash. They want to be together.
I read “In a time where relationships, communication and sociality are played mainly in the virtual “non-space” of social networks, creating an illusion of nearness, this COVID19 takes away physical proximity: don’t nobody touch each other! No kisses, no hugs, no shaking hands. How much have we taken these gestures and their meaning for granted?”
And yet, how un-renounceable is now social media for allowing us to bridge the mandatory geographical and physical distance and still share a laugh, a thought or just a meaningful image, so we can feel close, despite? Not everything VIRAL is bad.
Yesterday, at noon, Italians throughout the country opened their windows and balconies and started an applause for all those fighting the virus, whether as patients or medical staff.
Lunch: stinging nettle and potato gnocchi. From scratch.
While I wait for the rest of the family to break down and give in to my request for a dress-up dinner, I am reminded that while “happiness is only real when shared” a few joys are up to no-one but ourselves. So perhaps I will try on all my clothes starting from the elegant ones I never get to wear.
I have a feeling this might turn out into a useful DECLUTTER.
But for now, I want to invest 15 minutes a day to LEARN SOMETHING. Today, I am shooting the hoop.. I give myself 10 points to start, earn 2 for every basket I make, and lose 1 for every miss. Let’s see how long it takes me to get to zero.
My ample improvement margin should give me something to do every day for a long lockdown.
I wish someone could teach me how to post videos and links properly on FB. Eva is too young: to her, FB is for the decrepit.
Watched CLOUD ATLAS with Marco and Giotto.
I thank one of our Accidental Tourist guests who recommended it a few years back now. Some valuable quotes, so appropriate for the time, to take home (where else…)
“In an individual, selfishness uglifies the soul; for the human species, selfishness is extinction.”
“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”
“Books don’t offer real escape, but they can stop a mind scratching itself raw.”
“…there ain’t no journey what don’t change you some.”