Solo Traveling Does Not Mean Traveling Alone
Suspended Coffee, going international
Forget Nintendo

Forget Nintendo

Check these teenagers out! In the island of Sardinia, most every male can play this traditional game of Morra: it is played by two 2-man teams. As you see in the video, the 2 duos stand in front of each other, while each player ( at an incredibly fast rythm)  throws numbers with one hand,…


As a culture and sport association, this year the Accidental Tourist is proudly sponsoring the I’ Tuscania, a super local team of athlete fathers. They are completely mad! Marathons to them are mere training: they run the 60km, the forest  all-nighters, and tomorrow they are off to the CRT 2014 BARCELONA WILD BOAR ROGAINING TROPHY  Here they are. Wild…

On your knee!

On your knee!

A dream come true, for us here at the Accidental Tourist: No, I take that back: TWO DREAMS COME TRUE! One: two Accidental Tourists – Natalie Wetherington and Hans Hilton – in some convention center on the other side of the Oceans from Florence, randomly meet and  identify each other. And they send me a picture…

That’s why we are called the Accidental Tourist