- Understand! The most important part of our work is you. You are the Rhyme and Reason of our Club, and we’ll d our best to show you we mean it. But an occasional (seldom!) emergency may cause an excursion to cancel. If you supply us with a phone contact we’ll be sure to inform you in due time!
- Share! Tell us and your fellow travellers your stories. We love word of mouth and thrive on it.
- Be open! Open your eyes, nose, mouth, ears, heart. All the extra pleasure you can soak in is free, and all yours to take home.
- Relate! You know 6 degrees of separation? If you look for something in common with ANYONE, you will find it.
- Be curious! We have members from all over the world. Diversity is such a resource! Enjoy the differences.
- Belong! Make yourself at home in our home. Yes, you can take pictures. Yes, you can take your shoes off, lay on the couch, swing on the swing, ask crazy questions, take a nap on our Accidental Tourist bed. You are one of us.